منو بسته
17 اسفند 1403

جست و جوی تولیدکنندگان

6 سال پیش

+  --show hidden
+  IF @ShowHidden = 0
+    SET @sql = @sql + '
+    AND p.Deleted = 0
+    AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN ISNULL(p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') and ISNULL(p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))'
+  END
+  --min price
+  IF @PriceMin is not null
+    SET @sql = @sql + '
+    AND (
+        (
+          --special price (specified price and valid date range)
+          (p.SpecialPrice IS NOT NULL AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999'')))
+          AND
+          (p.SpecialPrice >= ' + CAST(@PriceMin AS nvarchar(max)) + ')
+        )
+        OR
+        (
+          --regular price (price isnt specified or date range isnt valid)
+          (p.SpecialPrice IS NULL OR (getutcdate() NOT BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999'')))
+          AND
+          (p.Price >= ' + CAST(@PriceMin AS nvarchar(max)) + ')
+        )
+      )'
+  END
+  --max price
+  IF @PriceMax is not null
+    SET @sql = @sql + '
+    AND (
+        (
+          --special price (specified price and valid date range)
+          (p.SpecialPrice IS NOT NULL AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999'')))
+          AND
+          (p.SpecialPrice <= ' + CAST(@PriceMax AS nvarchar(max)) + ')
+        )
+        OR
+        (
+          --regular price (price isnt specified or date range isnt valid)
+          (p.SpecialPrice IS NULL OR (getutcdate() NOT BETWEEN isnull(p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') AND isnull(p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999'')))
+          AND
+          (p.Price <= ' + CAST(@PriceMax AS nvarchar(max)) + ')
+        )
+      )'
+  END
+  --show hidden and ACL
+  IF @ShowHidden = 0
+    SET @sql = @sql + '
+    AND (p.SubjectToAcl = 0 OR EXISTS (
+      SELECT 1 FROM #FilteredCustomerRoleIds [fcr]
+      WHERE
+        [fcr].CustomerRoleId IN (
+          SELECT [acl].CustomerRoleId
+          FROM [AclRecord] acl with (NOLOCK)
+          WHERE [acl].EntityId = p.Id AND [acl].EntityName = ''Product''
+        )
+      ))'
+  END
+  --show hidden and filter by store
+  IF @StoreId > 0
+    SET @sql = @sql + '
+    AND (p.LimitedToStores = 0 OR EXISTS (
+      SELECT 1 FROM [StoreMapping] sm with (NOLOCK)
+      WHERE [sm].EntityId = p.Id AND [sm].EntityName = ''Product'' and [sm].StoreId=' + CAST(@StoreId AS nvarchar(max)) + '
+      ))'
+  END
+  --filter by specification attribution options
+  SET @FilteredSpecs = isnull(@FilteredSpecs, '')  
+  CREATE TABLE #FilteredSpecs
+  (
+    SpecificationAttributeOptionId int not null
+  )
+  INSERT INTO #FilteredSpecs (SpecificationAttributeOptionId)
+  SELECT CAST(data as int) FROM [nop_splitstring_to_table](@FilteredSpecs, ',')
+  DECLARE @SpecAttributesCount int  
+  SET @SpecAttributesCount = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #FilteredSpecs)
+  IF @SpecAttributesCount > 0
+    --do it for each specified specification option
+    DECLARE @SpecificationAttributeOptionId int
+    DECLARE cur_SpecificationAttributeOption CURSOR FOR
+    SELECT [SpecificationAttributeOptionId]
+    FROM [#FilteredSpecs]
+    OPEN cur_SpecificationAttributeOption
+    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_SpecificationAttributeOption INTO @SpecificationAttributeOptionId
+    BEGIN
+      SET @sql = @sql + '
+      AND p.Id in (select psam.ProductId from [Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping] psam with (NOLOCK) where psam.AllowFiltering = 1 and psam.SpecificationAttributeOptionId = ' + CAST(@SpecificationAttributeOptionId AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
+      --fetch next identifier
+      FETCH NEXT FROM cur_SpecificationAttributeOption INTO @SpecificationAttributeOptionId
+    END
+    CLOSE cur_SpecificationAttributeOption
+    DEALLOCATE cur_SpecificationAttributeOption
+  END
اگر پاسخ سوالی برای شما مفید بود، به آن رای مثبت دهید تا به دیگران در پیدا کردن پاسخ مناسب کمک کنید
Be Who You Always Wanted To Be
نقل قول
6 سال پیش

+  --sorting
+  SET @sql_orderby = ''  
+  IF @OrderBy = 5 /* Name: A to Z */
+    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Name] ASC'
+  ELSE IF @OrderBy = 6 /* Name: Z to A */
+    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Name] DESC'
+  ELSE IF @OrderBy = 10 /* Price: Low to High */
+    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Price] ASC'
+  ELSE IF @OrderBy = 11 /* Price: High to Low */
+    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Price] DESC'
+  ELSE IF @OrderBy = 15 /* creation date */
+    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[CreatedOnUtc] DESC'
+  ELSE /* default sorting, 0 (position) */
+    --category position (display order)
+    IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 SET @sql_orderby = ' pcm.DisplayOrder ASC'
+    --manufacturer position (display order)
+    IF @ManufacturerId > 0
+    BEGIN
+      IF LEN(@sql_orderby) > 0 SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ', '
+      SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ' pmm.DisplayOrder ASC'
+    END
+    --name
+    IF LEN(@sql_orderby) > 0 SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ', '
+    SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ' p.[Name] ASC'
+  END
+  SET @sql = @sql + '
+  ORDER BY' + @sql_orderby
+  --PRINT (@sql)
+  EXEC sp_executesql @sql
+  DROP TABLE #FilteredCategoryIds
+  DROP TABLE #FilteredSpecs
+  DROP TABLE #FilteredCustomerRoleIds
+  DROP TABLE #KeywordProducts
+  CREATE TABLE #PageIndex
+  (
+    [IndexId] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
+    [ProductId] int NOT NULL
+  )
+  INSERT INTO #PageIndex ([ProductId])
+  SELECT ProductId
+  FROM #DisplayOrderTmp
+  GROUP BY ProductId
+  ORDER BY min([Id])
+  --total records
+  SET @TotalRecords = @@rowcount
+  DROP TABLE #DisplayOrderTmp
اگر پاسخ سوالی برای شما مفید بود، به آن رای مثبت دهید تا به دیگران در پیدا کردن پاسخ مناسب کمک کنید
Be Who You Always Wanted To Be
نقل قول
6 سال پیش

+  --prepare filterable specification attribute option identifier (if requested)
+  IF @LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = 1
+  BEGIN    
+    CREATE TABLE #FilterableSpecs
+    (
+      [SpecificationAttributeOptionId] int NOT NULL
+    )
+    INSERT INTO #FilterableSpecs ([SpecificationAttributeOptionId])
+    SELECT DISTINCT [psam].SpecificationAttributeOptionId
+    FROM [Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping] [psam] with (NOLOCK)
+    WHERE [psam].[AllowFiltering] = 1
+    AND [psam].[ProductId] IN (SELECT [pi].ProductId FROM #PageIndex [pi])
+    --build comma separated list of filterable identifiers
+    SELECT @FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = COALESCE(@FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds + ',' , '') + CAST(SpecificationAttributeOptionId as nvarchar(4000))
+    FROM #FilterableSpecs
+    DROP TABLE #FilterableSpecs
+   END
+  --return products
+  SELECT TOP (@RowsToReturn)
+    p.*
+    #PageIndex [pi]
+    INNER JOIN Product p with (NOLOCK) on p.Id = [pi].[ProductId]
+    [pi].IndexId > @PageLowerBound AND
+    [pi].IndexId < @PageUpperBound
+    [pi].IndexId
+  DROP TABLE #PageIndex
اگر پاسخ سوالی برای شما مفید بود، به آن رای مثبت دهید تا به دیگران در پیدا کردن پاسخ مناسب کمک کنید
Be Who You Always Wanted To Be
نقل قول
6 سال پیش
بسیار بسیار زیاد ممنونم
امتحانش میکنم و نتیجه رو میگم
نقل قول
6 سال پیش
سلام خدمت همگی و مخصوصا خانم یعقوبی
خیلی خیلی خیلی ممنونم سرکار خانم
به خوبی کار کرد این کد
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