منو بسته
3 اسفند 1403


3 سال پیش
من میخواهم عکسی را از هاست آپلود کنم ولی وقتی به این خط میرسد
Stream ftpStream = ftpRequest.GetRequestStream();

خطا می دهد

                var qP = GetFtp(TypeFtp);

                /* Create an FTP Request */
                FtpWebRequest ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(qP.FtpAddress + FileName);
                /* Log in to the FTP Server with the User Name and Password Provided */
                ftpRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(qP.UserName, qP.Password);
                /* When in doubt, use these options */
                ftpRequest.UseBinary = true;
                ftpRequest.UsePassive = true;
                ftpRequest.KeepAlive = true;
                /* Specify the Type of FTP Request */
                ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
                /* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */
                Stream ftpStream = ftpRequest.GetRequestStream();
                /* Open a File Stream to Read the File for Upload */
                Stream localFileStream = MyFile;
                /* Buffer for the Downloaded Data */
                // فایل به تکه های دو کیلو بایتی تبدیل میشه که شامل سرعت بالا ولی دست تکانی زیادی است.
                byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[2048];
                int bytesSent = localFileStream.Read(byteBuffer, 0, 2048);
                /* Upload the File by Sending the Buffered Data Until the Transfer is Complete */

                while (bytesSent != 0)
                    ftpStream.Write(byteBuffer, 0, bytesSent);
                    bytesSent = localFileStream.Read(byteBuffer, 0, 2048);

                /* Resource Cleanup */
                ftpRequest = null;

                #region Upload Text Files
                //// Get the object used to communicate with the server.  
                //FtpWebRequest Myrequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(qP.FtpAddress + FileName);
                //Myrequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;

                //        // This example assumes the FTP site uses anonymous logon.  
                //        Myrequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(qP.UserName, qP.Password);

                //// Copy the contents of the file to the request stream.  
                //StreamReader sourceStream = new StreamReader(MyFile);
                ////کار با فایلهایی با حجم ۲ ۳کیلو بایت و فایل های متنی
                ////    byte[] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceStream.ReadToEnd());
                //        Myrequest.ContentLength = fileContents.Length;

                //        Stream requestStream = Myrequest.GetRequestStream();
                //requestStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);
                //        requestStream.Close();

                //        FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)Myrequest.GetResponse();

                ////Console.WriteLine("Upload File Complete, status {0}", response.StatusDescription);


                return qP.FtpID;
            catch (Exception e)

                return -1;

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